I have recently been accepted as a volunteer for a local Dog rescue organization called Hopeful Hearts which Operates in the Ottawa Area. They take in abandoned, abused or mistreated dogs and help them to receive medical attention as well as seek out new and loving homes for them. Everyone in this organization is a volunteer, and adoption fees go to pay for vet bills, and food for the animals while in foster care.
I really love animals, and I think it's sad how much mistreatment dogs receive from us humans as a whole, so easily discarded and abused, or over-bred through puppy mills for sale in pet shops at exorbitant prices. I think that these types of organizations are fantastic and deserve as much support as we can give them.
My wife also has a great love for dogs and would like to foster them for Hopeful Hearts at some point in the future at our house. We don't have the space to house any more pets right now, so I thought that I would contribute in what way I can by providing website support and graphic design for their marketing materials.
I think that anyone who has a love for animals should contribute in some manner to this or similar organizations. Even if you don't have money to help, there are many ways in which to volunteer your time to them. Something to think about.
7 years ago